
 Enoch & Metatron 

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  Morphing is a special effect in motion pictures and animations that changes (or morphs) one image or shape into another through a seamless transition. Most often it is used to depict one person turning into another through technological means or as part of a fantasy or surreal sequence.

  Two photographs(before and after) need. The pictures of progress are made by calculation. Our eyes are hallucinated as if such a phenomenon really occurred, since change is very smooth.

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So far, I have written common belief.

  In my site, I am going to use "morphing" to explain my theory as an analogy. There is a process in which it becomes actual when a man imagines the future. I am going to compare the process to movement of morphing and to explain it. The process ,that the reality moves to the following reality, moves aiming at the decided future.

  Naturally, physical law, the other man's future image and the fate which existed from the first do influence on the process.The future is created while all the conditions are taken into consideration.