
 Enoch & Metatron 

INDEX    Japanese



  Adam is the Kingdom of the Father. Adam means this world. A father is "ava" in Hebrew. "m" expresses space in Hebrew. The vestiges of it are in English. For example, "kingom", "dam", "form", "dream", "music", "stadium" and so on.

  Adam = "ava" + "m" = father + space

  We are avatars in Adam. All of us the sons of God. Our souls repeat the cycle of rebirth. When we are alive in this world, we use an avatar,called "a body". In the modern age, "avatar" means the thing which a man rides for having substantiality in a certain space. However, it is the ancient word. In Hinduism, it was used as the embodiment of God when God comes to this world.

  Adam is not the first human being in the universe. Adam does not mean a human. The first is one of the Enoch. He has been called "Jesus" in one of his rebirth history . Jesus already had had his rebirth history when he was born from Maria. At the first birth, he does not have his childhood. He was born not from his mother, but from the Father. God created the first man by a system of "Inga". God imagined him. When God imagined him, he also imagined this world simultaneously. Because there is this world for human beings.

  There is all of the time, from the Beginning to the End, in Adam. And all real time exist at once. The past, the future and now exist at once. We regard the past as the phenomenon as if it has finished or has been lost. However, we merely feel "It was over." An actual past always exists. We only feel that time is flowing. The Beginning of the world and the End are connected. Einstein calls this "space-time continuum".

  This world is like a spool of film. Each time has all the universes at each time. A frame and the next one connect smoothly like morphing. The contents of each frame are updated frequently. The way of updating follows various rules. A physical law, a law of the spiritual world (Salvation, morphic resonance, Inga, effects of sorceries), the images which God imaged at the Beginning and the End, the images which people imaged, the memories of people and so on. Real world are created in a harmony of them.

About the strict details of time

  I have used the model of videotape as if absolute time exists independently of any condition at a consistent pace throughout the universe, in order to understand the whole picture. Einstein says that an absolute time does not exist. I also think so. Because time goes slowly under high-gravity conditions. Time differs according to gravity. Then, in the same universe, there is a location of which time differs from the time of the other location. However, if it is the same universe, even if each time differs, one space and the next one are always connected. It is not severed on the way and does not connect any space except to the next one. (Warp does not exist.)

  The minimum unit of time (= one of frames of a videotape) resembles the state of a piece of cloth. Whether a piece of cloth is stretched tight or wrinkled(whether time differs), the piece of cloth (the universe ) has the same amount of materials. The state that all the minimal times line up in sequence is called "space-time continuum".

  Now, I also have used the concept of the minimum unit of time in order to understand "space-time continuum" comfortably. However, I think, the minimum unit of time does not exist in real.


  Time is analog existence. Since it is connected without an interval, it accepts an irrational number. (A substance is a digital existence. Since it becomes the small particles which finally cannot be divided any more, it does not accept any irrational number.) Since time can be divided infinitely, time cannot have the minimum unit.

What does the future choose?

  When we pay attention only to substances, the world looks like the mere domino of particles. Decisions of the future have a system like this. A decision depends on the realizing power of each image. For example, the image of a man with strong will and a high tension comes true easier than taht of others. The followings are various images( as a realization candidate) or the deflecting conditions.
  • The images which God imagined in Genesis. They have mutable ones and immutable ones.
  • Deflections of Salvation (= the sorcery of Alpha and Omega)
  • Deflections of morphic resonance
  • Deflections of several sorceries
  • An image which the spiritual high-level person imagined
  • An image with strong feeling
  • An image which many people looked at
  • An image which was visualized repeatedly
  • A visible image under public expose, such as a picture, an object, a report, a drama, and a movie
  God, Adam, and anybody does not treat someone with favoritism. Each preference of an image changes with situations. Every realization also follows physical laws. A future of the real time which Adam works out is called a fate. The new future image having high realization power changes fate immediately. Therefore, fate is never absolute.

  There is very important deviation in every fate. From a big-picture perspective, there are two types of fate. One fate makes people happy and the other one makes people unhappy. Salvation(= the sorcery of Alpha and Omega) decides the main direction of fate.


  2:18  And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”   2:19  Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.   2:20  So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.   2:21  And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.   2:22  Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.   2:23  And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”  

  Eve is "Eva". Eva is the Mother. It is a relative term of the Father. It is not a woman but the invisible world which assists Adam. In Japanese, "ribs" calls it "abara". Since Japanese has a root in Hebrew, "abara" can be applied as Adam's "ra". "ra" means a sphere (= soul) or a circle in Japanese. "ra" is "la" of a mandala. "ra" has also a meaning of a star, such as Terra or Hydra.

"ra" or "la"
sphere soul mandala Terra(=planet) Hydra

  According to the Gaia theory, the star where people exist functions just like one living thing. Seeing it from man's position, it seems like God. To tell you the truth, since the human being who had grown up his soul brings his soul to a star, the star becomes the environment where people can live. The earth is the star which the human being who is called "Agur" terraformed. That has been left in the word of "the leaf of Agasterra". A original meaning of "Agusterra" is "Agur's terra." When the letters of "Agusterra" are rearranged, it becomes "Gaea star(= the earth)". All of us are the son of God, we have each "Astral Seed"(= soul). We are all brilliant in our own right. Our souls grow and become like God someday. Therefore, "ra" means a soul, a star and a spiritual world. Eve is just "ra" taken out of Adam.

The role of Eve

   Eve has the role as a supporter for Adam. She does not have time and any substance. She also is not tied down in any physical law. She is like a homepage which does not have any content but large quantities of links. Her links go across one space-time to the other in Adam.

   Eve tells Adam about linkages as to which images are the same in morphic field. Thanks to this link, the world is reconstructible immediately, even if Adam causes the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an occurrence in only the part of Adam. Adam remakes the world referring to the other space-time universes through the assistance of Eve. (To tell the truth, the Big Bang has occurred repeatedly. These are recorded on the Bible as various ways of being ruined.)

  Eve has also the other role. She has the role as a path of which a living thing or a man gets (= or sends) informations from the outside of brain. Such as empathy, sympathy, a flash, and telepathy. It can be said impossible the normal activity of an brain without access to Eve. Telepathy is just the state which is much more excellent than flash in searching informations with Eve. Autism would be said to be the state of missing links to Eve.

  By the way, a real prosecutor that accesses to the outside from brain is not a brain but a bacterium (or a mold). Flesh is a large reservoir of bacteria. A brain plays only a terminal or a display as for linkage of image. The followings are examples.
    About a man
  • A man can access the memories of his past or future in his dream.
  • A man can access others' memories in his dream.
  • A man can access memory of a former incarnation.
  • A man feels a sympathy by his company.
  • A man has a tendency to flash in the toilet which is a treasury of various germs.
  • A travel makes a man have a tendency to flash. He can get new bacteria (which live in another area) by eating foods, by drinking water or by breathing.
  • Improveing one's empathy by eating the same food(= the same bacteria) at the time of the first meeting.
  • having an instinctive aversion to someone(= your feel that your intestinal bacteria hates the person's intestinal bacteria.)
  • a sense of foreboding (Your intestinal bacteria sometimes tell something to you.)
  • A face of an owner vaguely resembles that of his pet. A face of husband vaguely resembles that of his wife. Their flashes resemble to each other, by sharing the same bacteria. A likeness of flash causes a likeness of thinking. A likeness of thinking causes a likeness of an expression of face.
  • The territory of same bacteria affects the taste of the persons in the spot. The persons have no contact to each other. However, they take same air including the same bacteria. In the narrow spot(within about 50-meter radius, such as a business area), some of habitants sometimes prefer the particular food item. A door-to-door peddler of foods may know this phenomenon by learning his own experience.
  • A ghost. For example, the bacteria (which live in the spot of an accident) connects to the victim's memory. However, link information accuracy is dependent on receiver's capacity about translation or search. (This is called "psychometry".)
  • In homicide criminal investigation, a telepathist wants to touch victim's things left behind. In order to share bacteria with a victim. (This is called "psychometry".)
  • There is a legend said that supernatural powers fall when long hair is cut. Hair is a large reservoir of bacteria.
    About creatures
  • The bees of the area in which too positive people live is influenced by their consciousness. The bees become offensive. After the killer bees from United States came to Japan, they became non-offensive.
  • Insects sometimes avoid a risk of which their instinct would not know. Most of the procession of ants avoids a driveway. I think, an ant does not have an ability to understand a driveway.
  Jung had tried to explan these phenomenon. Jung called them "Collective Unconscious".

Images not to come true even if someone imagines

  • Things which are called "supernatural power" and which has no relations to human's survival.
      Floating of a man in the air. Moveing things on a desk by man's emotion.These things do not have any relation to human's survival. God did not prepare such the attractions as one of supernatural systems. However, healing, clairvoyance and weather operation are capability required in order to survive. When nobody can do weather operation, people cannot exist in a star. Therefore, also now, someone on the earth should be able to do weather control. One's level of supernatural power differs according to his spiritual level. Every human being has a possibility of getting supernatural power.

  • The things contradictory to the purpose of which God creates a man.

      God prepared this world for people so that a man approaches to God. Then, it is meaningless to wish the appearance of an intelligent life wiser than a human being. Radioactively genetic mutations do not produce any intelligent life wiser than a human. Any intelligent life wiser than a human does not arrive at the earth from the universe. "Gray" cannot exist.

The priority conditions to the image realization about one person.

  • The image which has been imagined persistently repeatedly has a tendency to come true.
  • The image with strong emotion has a tendency to come true.
  • The highly-motivated image has a tendency to come true.
  • The image which a man with a high level soul creates has a tendency to come true.
  • The image which a man (whose name or face is known by many people) creates has a tendency to come true. This is the reason why people want fame instinctively.

How to change a pinch

  Suppose that a man fell to the deep well. He did not have his cell-phone. No one found his pinch. How does he survive it?

  If the person expert in fate says, he was a loser before falling to the well. He might be a good man. However his regular effort stacking good luck was not enough to avoid the pinch. Or he might be lazy in his doing effort to avoid dangers.

  He just has to accept the situation. What should he do? He should trace his actions back in his memory. When did he mistake? Suppose that he had a chance to talk about the well to his friends on his way.He should have talked a story of which his friends felt tempted to come to the well then. He has to send that image many times, to himself in the past. "I surely talked the story at the time! My friends wanted to come here. They will come here! They will find me!"

  If things go well, the past occurrence changes. And the future occurrence changes. Someone might come to the well really. The man might be his friend or a passer-by. It can be said that he set an inga and a morphic field, by creating the past image that is convenient for him.

  In fact, it is only "Alpha and Omega" that can change the present in the good direction. When a man wants to change the present, he has to set the image of the past or the future. The world is realized in Inga. Please do not forget "A result creates a cause." You should not stick strongly to only the present things. Please don't give up overcomeing difficulties. Please don't quit to imaging your happiness.

  One should send many answers or know-how to himself in the past as an image. Then he will come to flash or to get good idea. Those who want to control their fate as much as possible should make it a custom. If you devote all the free time for want of occupation to imaging that, you will live a richer rewarding life.

The method to use other people to realize a particular image

    The image which comes to many people's minds has a tendency to come true.

  • 記念館、美術館などを作って多くの人に見せる。 例えば、歴史上の有名人の顔と名前と伝説を絵にして多くの人に見せておくと、地球が滅びてまた地球が歴史を始めたとしても、また同じ人が同じ時期に出現し易い。例えばダビデの風貌は有名だがまたあの時代を輪廻する時、あの人がまた王になる。人類史はもっと自由度がるはずなのだが、何回地球が滅んで何回地球が輪廻しても同じ歴史を辿るハメになる。
  • 史実など、教育で記憶する事を義務化して多くの人に覚えさせる。 これまた人類史の大局や運命が固定化される要因になる。 ここで嘘の史実を覚えると、因果の法則により、 過去の事実が変わって、未来もそれに従う未来に変わる。 現在、日本の教科書は、大和時代が無かったかのような方向性で教科書が改造され始めている。ここで現代の人々の記憶から、大和時代が消えると過去が変わり、今の日本人は変質する。日本は、初代文字など、大和時代に文化の礎が出来たのだ。
  • 噂話を流行らせる(TVの無い時代はかなり有効だった。)
  • 望む未来絵図を、絵、オブジェ、出版物、ドラマ、映画などにしてとにかく多くの人に見せる。 昔、問題視されたが、「お父さんは臭い。お父さんは邪魔。」みたいなイメージをドラマやCMなどで、TVが流すと、それを多くの人が見る事によって本当にそんな家庭が増える。単にTVをマネしたのではない。形の共鳴が起きた。
  • 実現したいイメージのコピーをソックリでなくても構わないので撒く。
  • 歴史的に賢かった人、幸せだった有名人の名前を名乗る。形の共鳴が、その人と別の人を取り違えやすくなるので、幸せになりやすくなる。自分を知らない多くの人にまで覚えて貰い易くなる。


 社会悪が酷過ぎ、何をやっても個人の思い通りにならず、強力に不幸な運命に流されているだけのように感じる事がある。 しかし、そんな大きな悪い運命は、運命の創り方をよく心得た人間が、先程述べたような手法を悪用し、人為的に創ったものだ。(太古の昔から) 富を圧倒的に偏らせる為には、圧倒的に多くの不幸が必要だからだ。 貧乏過ぎれば、職の奪い合いとなり、生きる為に自ら低価格に働く奴隷が量産される。 このような歴史展開は、お金と権力があれば人海戦術で創りだせる。 決して神が望んで人間に提供したものではない。 だから、不幸な運命に安易に従ってはいけないし、絶対に諦めてはいけない。 人は死んでも、現在の幸せ度を引き継ぎ、すぐ転生するので現実の不幸からは逃げられない。 このような状況を、打開出来るよう、神は救い(=駒犬)を用意している。


まずは、神の救いを徹底的に得る。正しい駒犬があるところに何度も出かける。あるいは正しい駒犬を創作するなり、買うなりして所有する。駒犬はなるべく重いものが良い。可能であれば正しい駒犬設置場所を増やす。 とりあえず、マジックでUnとそこら中に書きまくるのもいいです。 まずは、これでその人や周りの人に幸運を実現する為のパワーが貯まり始める。 どうすれば、現状を打開出来るか、閃くようになる。善処だと信じている事が本当に善処なのか間違え難くなる。他人が仕掛けた未来は受け取るかも知れないが、取りあえず不幸の部分は受け難くなる。

 幸せをパイの配分のように思っている人がいるがそれは違う。誰かが幸せになる為に誰かの不幸が必要だと言う考え方は間違っている。現在、他人の成功を喜べないのは、自分が生きていくために職の奪い合いとなっており、社会経済が貧しいからだ。 社会の経済レベル、全体の精神レベル、全体の健康レベル、全体の科学レベルが上がれば妬むとう考え方は必要ない。阿吽が正しく大量に配置されれば、むしろ、幸せになる事を相互援助する為に、他人の幸せを当然のように望むようになる。

 一つの人生で願いが叶わなかったとしても、それは無駄ではない。次の人生にその人の幸運度や、実現の為に努力したノウハウは引き継がれるからだ。むしろ、幸運になる為、願いを叶える為に、何もしない事の方が恐ろしい。人は転生を拒否できない。何かが嫌で自殺しても、長く休んだ実感も無く目が覚め、すぐ次の人生が始まる。しかも、死ぬ前の不幸は来世に引き継がれる。努力しなければ、マジ永遠に底辺を彷徨う事になる。 どんなに苦境でも幸せになる努力、願いを叶える努力を怠ってはならない。天才と言われている人は、過去の自分のノウハウにアクセスしているだけだ。あるいは、自分で貯めた幸運ポイントを使っているだけだ。


 残虐な史実などを、現在の人が今さら何度もイメージしたり、そのようなイメージを助ける絵やオブジェや記念館を作るのはよくない。 人々が残虐な未来を拒んだとしても単に見るだけで、またその事態が起き易くなる。 被害者を追悼したいなら、被害者幸せだった頃のイメージを思い浮かべるべきだ。

 また、私たちは今死ぬと何処かに転生するが、必ず次の未来に転生するとは限らない。 この意識そのものが過去に転生し、過去の残酷な歴史を再度踏襲する可能性を持っている。(魔女狩りでもう一度狩られるなど) だから、残酷な過去をイメージするようなオブジェは作るべきでない。そのような義務教育や報道も慎むべきだ。記憶保持者が多ければ多いほどそのイメージは、過去にも未来にも起きやすくなる。

God’s fellow workers

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

これは、神はデフォルトのビデオ・テープは作ったが、その先の書き換えは創造主の手を離れ、アダムとイヴ(=人間による書き換え)に委ねられたと言っている。 つまり、私たちは神の同労者だ。私たちはイメージする事でこの世をクリエイトしている。

Image comes true.

1 Corinthians 3:6-9
3:6  I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 3:7  So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 3:8  Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. 3:9  For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.


